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Social Media Business Success Starter Package
Introduction (2:03)
Section One - Understanding Social Media
The Social Media Landscape (5:15)
Historical Overview (4:25)
Social Media Today (2:48)
Trends 2017 (2:50)
Why Social Media is so Important for Businesses (2:25)
Your Social Media Assessment (2:58)
Social Media Assessment - How Did You Do? (0:59)
Section Two - Your Social Media Guide
Introduction (1:30)
Facebook Overview (3:22)
Instagram Overview (3:18)
Twitter Overview (3:35)
Linkedin Overview (2:41)
Section Three - Your Strategy Plan
Introduction (0:58)
A strategy overview (1:30)
Your Business Objective (1:18)
Social Media Goal Setting (2:51)
The Key 3 Metrics (2:31)
Decide on your Social Media Platforms (0:53)
Tactics to Success (1:41)
Making Life Easy with these Killer Tactic Tools
The Social Media Calendar (2:44)
Calculating the ROI of Social Media (2:22)
Know the 3Ms to Set Expectations (2:27)
Your Turn - Complete a Social Media Strategy One Pager
Your Turn - Complete a Content Calendar
Section Four - Take Action with Facebook
Facebook - Setting up your Business Page (5:42)
Facebook - Adding Business Information (5:05)
Facebook - Orientating Around the Settings (5:40)
Facebook - Page Branding (3:12)
Facebook - Set your 'Call To Action' Button (2:16)
Facebook - Posting Content (4:33)
Facebook - Create Adverts that Engage (8:56)
Facebook - Measuring Success (3:37)
Facebook - Measuring more Success (3:25)
Section Five - Take Action with Instagram
Instagram - Create your Profile (3:42)
Instagram - Update your Profile (1:45)
Instagram - It's About Discovery (2:44)
Instagram - Sharing Content (3:17)
Instagram - Get to Grips with Interactions (1:24)
Instagram - It's all about Instagram stories (5:14)
Instagram - Set up your Business Page (2:38)
Instagram - How to Advertise (4:21)
Section Six - Take Action with Twitter
Twitter - Profile Set up (5:32)
Twitter - Knowing the Environment (8:20)
Twitter - Brand your Profile (4:56)
Twitter - Tweeting (4:02)
Twitter - Know your Analytics (3:29)
Twitter - Set up your Advertising (12:07)
Twitter - Measure Ad Success (2:39)
Section Seven - Take Action with Linkedin
Linkedin - Create a Business Page (1:59)
Linkedin - Company information Update (3:59)
Linkedin - Measure Success of Business Page Activity (4:20)
Linkedin - Know your Notifications (1:05)
Linkedin - Advertising (7:46)
Linkedin - Advert Analytics (2:30)
Section Eight - Conclusion
Next Steps (1:27)
Historical Overview
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